Friday, September 04, 2009

The Waterworks Continue to Develop

Creating a "water feature" as a means of draining the accumulation
behind the sand martin bank.

About half the rainwater falling on Potterland hill drains into the meadow above the new pondworks. A small amount percolates under the bank and emerges as a small spring, but a good deal more accumulates behind the bank. It seemed a good idea to give it a way around.

A video taken one day after the creation of the "water feature":

And a short close-up clip of the waterfall:

And another, taken in sunshine a dozen days later. The inlet from the burn has been choked down to a trickle, and is probably supplying about the same amount of water as the waterfall and spring. A few oaks have been planted on the "bump" and willow cuttings have been put in along the burn bank to reinforce it and guide any overflow further down...

A reminder of "The Plan": (click to enlarge)

Drawing by Robin Ade

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